Have you ever thought much about how we live in an age of quantity?
From conversations with our peers to what we see, hear and read we are told that larger, faster, newer and getting more is always better. And, that we need all of it to be truly happy.
How often do you see kids and even adults buying into that philosophy? Yes, much of it is called advertising! Does it bother you? Can you turn it off? Do you appreciate the small things?
Maybe it is with age and challenging life experiences, I am learning that small and inexpensive things can bring great joy into my life. The red beaded ring, that I bought in Costa Rica for two dollars, is one example. I was shopping one night when it practically jumped on my hand. I'd just enjoyed dinner of an 8 oz. of yellow fin tuna, jasmine rice, fresh vegetables and cervesa Imperial. It cost around $8 (would have been $38 in the U.S.) and the meal was fabulous for sure! In the moment, I certainly enjoyed every bite and sip. But...it was gone.
I bought the ring. Made by hand, there is not another one exactly like it anywhere in the world. To make that ring, someone carefully strung the tiny beads together, then sewed the string into a row of beads.
The ring is on my finger today. Not only am I wearing something pretty, but as I look at my hand, the ring brings a smile to my face remembering that evening of a nice meal, window shopping along the streets of Jaco and then going back and showing my treasures to my friend at the Spanish schoole. He said it was muy bonito (very pretty).
I smiled at him in agreement. I thought so then, and still do only it is more than pretty to look at...it is pretty in my heart.
Something small and inexpensive can be as satisfying as something big and expensive. I could be wearing a 5 carat diamond, but I don't know if it would bring me as much pleasure as my red beaded ring.
If we all could take live like this, maybe we would all be happier. A simple meal with a friend becomes more than time shared…it becomes a treasured memory. Sure we open our eyes to see, but look up, down and around...you get many different views. Smile and stop and smell the roses.
Whether a single smile or the beauty of a small treasure - each day I want to pursue the things that certainly are pretty to see, but mostly I want to pursue things that are very pretty in my heart (muy bonito en mi corazon).