Now, I blog online just for me.
In December 2005, I spent five weeks in Costa Rica studying Spanish. Before the trip, I decided I didn't want to be obligated to email or commit to a time for regular phone calls because I wanted to "remove myself from technology," and not miss any impromptu surf session or una Cervasa Imperial on the beach at sunset.
After hearing a few groans/hints/concerns that I would not be in touch with "the world", I decided to start a blog. By blogging about my travels in Costa Rica, my friends and family (mom especially) would know I was ok.
I visited the local Internet cafe every few days. While enjoying the best cafe con leche, I would grab a computer in the corner and write (the cost was about $2.00 an hour!).
After returning home, I continued to blog my thoughts, adventures, lessons, hopes, dreams, occasions and life in general. Writing for me is like exercise, sleeping and eating. I have to do it. A computer makes the task much easier than pen and paper. My personal blog is really more like a diary. At times, I've posted on it daily and then months of working seven days a week and 12-14 hours a days left little time for me. Seeing those months with no writing is like looking at long lost time. Where did it go? What was I doing? What was I thinking?
It's time to set aside "Monte blogging time"! Personal writing can be a word map of your life, without visual pictures. And it is really awesome to occasionally read old posts to reflect, compare, contemplate and see the roads and paths taken.
I encourage you to write in a beautiful book, personal diary or online blog.
To learn more about how to set up a blog for business or personal use, contact me at mmonte@hotmail.com or 407-964-1557.
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