1. Health. This topic is covered more than any other by the media. (except in a presidential election year or during a spiraling down economy ; - )
Do you have a fabulous spa that offers unique health benefits? Does your hotel cater to patients recuperating from plastic surgery? Do you offer "Low-Fat, Low Calorie, or Vegan" meals? Can employees to workout at work? Do you have weight-loss tips or have a staff expert who can be interviewed about getting healthy?
2. Children. Everyone loves children. (good children ; - )
Do you offer specials for children? Do you have a kid-friendly event? Has a child done something good/unique/kind/helpful/thoughtful? Is there a special children's menu?
3. Pets. People love reading about pets, almost as much if not more than children.
How about a new service at a doggie day care? Can employees bring their pets to work? Health care services for pets? What about unique pet services such as frequent flyer miles, doggie treats at the drive-in window, unique pet products, check-in goody bags, pet-friendly patio?
4. Holidays. The media is always looking for stories surrounding holidays.
Does a spa offer relaxation tips for the stressful season? What about a special rate or price for Mothers, Fathers, Grandparents or Friends Day? How about a restaurant offering a free beverage on tax day or a kick off summer special at a museum where an adult gets in free with paying child (yep...backwards!)?
5. Controversy. Opportunities can be a great fit with controversial current events.
Are you helping prevent or deter crime with a new service? If a movie star sports a certain negative, send them your positive product and also ask them to send you a photo of it with them or written note to promote it. Can you offer tips that combat controversy or serve as an expert on either side?
6. Celebrity. Everyone wants the scoop on celebrities.
Get a photo of a celebrity (athlete, actor, comedian) at your place of business and send it to the media? Is a celebrity part of your charity event? Is your CEO a celebrity in their own right? Is Brad Pitt at your house at 3 a.m.? (call TMZ, right then and there after you snap a photo using your cell phone)
7. Money. Money is always hot if it saves.
Do you offer unique ways to save money? Offering any new or increased perks or rewards ? Do you offer special discounts seniors, students or moms?
8. Current Trends. The media likes to tie stories to current trends.
Does your restaurant offer "South Beach Diet or Weight Watchers" selections? Has your business won a green award? Have you reduced your electric bill by changing light bulbs?
9. Charity. Heartwarming stories sell, especially Friday or weekend news.
Did you donate to a charity in need? Does your company sponsor or host a charitable event? Does your business offer free tickets to certain non-profit groups?
10. Interesting. Producers, editors, writers, reporters…want interesting!!
Is your product or service REALLY unique? Do you work in a cool location like a boat? Are you a former real estate agent now happily working for a nonprofit? Have you retired and then started a new career in a different kind of business?
These are just a few popular topics. "Ten Tried And True Topics" are definitely things to think about when writing a PR plan or if you are just looking for new story ideas. By targeting the pitch to topical ideas or issues, it will help increase the chances of coverage.
Need ideas? Contact me at mmonte@hotmail.com or 407-964-1557!
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